Who are you really?
This poem really speaks to me and it is describing that your physical appearance is not who you are, but the things you love is who you are. In the second stanza it say what you are not. "You are not a name or a height, or a weight," these two lines suggest that the persona is telling you that what you look like or weigh is not what says who you really are. In the third stanza the persona tries to convey the message that what you love and the little things that you do are what makes you, you. "You are your favourite books and the songs stuck in your head," is conveying that who you are is the things you love to read or the songs that constantly stick in your head. These things are all something that we choose because of our own certain personality, which is what the author was trying to describe in this poem. I really think this is a beautiful way to tell somebody that their personality is what makes you who you really are in life. In the last stanza the persona states "You are where you're going and I'd like to go there too," and this ties it all together in a way that the persona likes you for you and would like to be with you wherever you may be because he/she loves who you truly are.
I have been trying to figure out who wrote this for years . I have the last part tattooed on me !